Monday, June 30, 2008

Transformers Autobot Pretenders Cloudburst

Starting from today, I'll be putting up individual pictures from my TF Pretenders collection at the rate of 1 per day. While I do not possess the entire Pretender collection to date, I've managed to acquire a substantial amount. Not going to try to collect those Japan exclusives like Metalhawk, Dinoking, Blue Bacchus and Black Shadow unless they happen to come at a very nice price.

To kick things off, let me begin with Cloudburst. This particular figure was first available in the late 1980's and was produced by both Hasbro and Takara. The only difference between the 2 versions was in the packaging.

What I have here is the Takara version from the Masterforce line. It was originally MISB, but you can guess the current state from the pictures below. That basically means you can take the 'S' out from the MISB. I did not apply any stickers from the sticker sheet as I was feeling kind of lazy at that time. Unfortunately, I will not provide pictures of any pretender boxes that I have. The boxes are stacked somewhere deep in my cabinets and I have alot of boxes in my cabinets.

After nearly 20 years inside the box, the plastic was kind of sticky. The stickiness can be removed by washing it with lukewarm water and drying it by first patting it down with those disposable kitchen towels and then finally letting it air dry. Some people recommend using lukewarm soapy water, but I do not know how the soap would affect the plastic in any way so I opted to just using lukewarm water. Depending on the stickiness of the plastic, it might take between 1 ~ 2 rinses and drying for it to stop being sticky. It also helps if you let it dry for about a day or two in between rinses.

The main gimmick for the Pretender line was the 'hiding' of the robot inside a human/beast/vehicle shell. Due to this gimmick, the robots were mostly very simple in design and not as chunky as the previous lines. These robots also boasted of a robot mode, which were clearly visible in robot mode and transformation mostly involved the moving of limbs and adding accessories like weapons to achieve a passable alternate mode. You do not even need an instruction manual to figure out how to do the transformation.

Accessories wise, Cloudburst is packaged with a removable helmet, a belt, a whip and a gun.
  • Somehow, I think the helmet has shrunk a little over the years, it does not fit as nicely as the other pretender helmets.
  • As for the whip, it's one piece of moulded plastic. That means no posing the whip for those dynamic Indiana Jones poses. Furthermore, it can only be held by the shell only unlike in the Masterforce animation series where the inner robots could use the melee weapons. That's the case for most of the melee weapons that came with the earlier pretenders.
  • The purpose of the belt is to hold the front and back halves of the shell together.
  • As for the gun, it can be held by both the shell and inner robot via 2 different sized pegs.

Articulation wise, most of the pretender shells only boast of 2 points of articulation, that being the up/down movement of the arms. For the inner robot, the major joints are articulated most of the time, pretty good for a toy of it's time. Movement of the joints actually depend on how the inner robot transforms to it's alternate mode.

Cloudburst's alternate mode is that of a fighter jet.

Cloudburst Shell & Inner Robot
Cloudburst Alternate Mode

Tomorrow's featured pretender is an Autobot also from the Masterforce series.
Here is a clue as to who it will be:
This Pretender has an aquatic alternate mode

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Buys

Had gotten these over the past 2 weeks.

Still waiting for the Steel CQB to arrive before Series 1 is completed.

Now whether to complete Series 2 when it comes out or to just leave it?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Animated Grimlock

Just got this piece today, thanks again to Prodimus from SGCollect for the MO!

Probably one of the biggest bad-a$$es on the entire animated series. Grimlock and the remaining 2 dinobots were the only bots to get on my original to-get list. Blitzwing and Prowl just so happened to be included as an afterthought.

Size wise, Grimlock is rather huge, roughly the same size as Blitzwing in robot mode. Transformation wise, it's quite similar to the original G1 Grimlock. Regretably, I don't have the G1 version but I do have the WST version, so I can safely say so.

TT, you hear me, you had better remake the moulds for the G1 dinobots and release them under the encore line, it'd be a real seller.

Gimmicks wise, nothing much, there's a button near the top of the neck that when depressed, opens Grimlock's lower jaw for some good 'ol chomping action. His flaming sword when attached to his right hand, activates a spring loaded feature that makes it look like it's on fire. Other than this 2 gimmicks, he's pretty much a plain 'bot.

For the robot mode, it's pretty show accurate. Most of the major joints are articulated, only gripe I have with the articulation is that they could have given him a bit more articulation on the arms.
The oversized lower jaw syndrome is at work here again, the lower jaw is whaddaya know, oversized...

For the alternate mode, Grimlock's still a T-Rex though no longer the modeled after the old fashioned way a T-Rex was supposed to stand, with the tail resting on the ground. It's a more stream-lined look.
Grimlock still has an oversized lower jaw in this mode, pretty much a trademark for all the 'bots and 'cons in the animated line.
Robot mode with weapon attached

Close up

Dino mode

Close up

Flaming sword, the extra poking bits swing out when the sword is attached to the right hand

Movie Jazz

A long overdue update...

Had finally obtained a Movie Jazz due to OG having 20% off for it making it slightly above $20 which I thought was reasonable given the ridiculous pricing set by Hasbro for most of it's products selling locally, which meant that this is my very first TF Movie figure.

Had obstained from getting any of the movie TFs since I didn't really like the overall feel of this particular line plus the fact that they were overpriced didn't help either. I might be getting some other movie TFs if they're on clearance.

Starting off with the alternate mode, Jazz is a modified Pontiac Solstice GXP.

This mode IS the only saving grace for this figure, IMHO since the robot mode sucks to the core.
More on that later.
Personally, I think that Jazz's alternate mode is the best looking out of all the movie TFs out there. Bumblebee doesn't even come close, but, I'm not a Camaro fan anyways.

The only reason why I keep him in his robot mode in my display is that I lack the space to display him in his alternate mode...
Maybe I'll clear out some space for that later...
As you can see, the weapon can be fitted on the spoiler to turn it into some sort of attack mode

Not going to say much about the robot mode, other than the need for more articulation and the scrawny pathetic excuse of having tri-claws for a hand, a ridiculous weapon that's supposed to be a 'telescoping sword' but looks more like an over-extended gun and the back part of the boot as a shield that does not even look like a shield.

Don't even get me started on his rabbit ears...
Attached with his weapon
Shield attached as well
Close up shot

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Guess who?

No prizes for those who get it right though... It's pretty obvious from the shape actually.
But just in case, here's 2 more if you can't figure out who it is.

More updates coming in due time...

Monday, June 9, 2008

WST Dinobots by Justitoys

The gang's finally complete after like 3+ years of waiting since the first dinobot was released. Stay tuned for more pics coming later this week.

Transformers Animated Prowl

Got Prowl from OG Albert PP today. Luckily had the OG card with me, so I still enjoyed a 10% discount, too bad it was not applicable for the 20% discount. Overall, pretty close to the show counterpart. As for articulation, most of the major joints are articulated, though the thigh joints were kind of loose and certain joints could use more articulation.
Prowl's alternate mode is that of a motorbike complete with sirens. Overall, quite nicely done. Had wanted to get another loose Prowl to serve as the Masterchief's mode of transport since I thought the scale was quite applicable, but in truth, the MCF Masterchief is just too big to fit nicely, tried it out and the MC looked like he was riding a kiddy bike.

Don't have the above-mentioned as I want to spare you guys the agony of the 2 together.

Trust me on this
Accessory wise, Prowl comes with 2x 3-bladed throwing stars. These fold up and store on the wheels like some sort of hubcaps. Only gripe with this is that the fit is a tad too tight, had to nearly resort to prying it out with a screwdriver when I want to take out the accessory.

Prowl also comes with a............... Traffic Light that has a string and cheap looking plastic handle attached to it which for reasons unexplainable, is not shown here.
Ok, actually, I can't be bothered to take it out of the packaging bubble as it's utterly horrible.

It's supposed to be some sort of 'chain weapon' but seriously, it looks nothing like a weapon. I'd rather they include a kitchen sink instead of this traffic light. Another minus point is that the string is attached wrongly if I might say so.
It's attached at the green light side of the traffic light...
If it was at the side of the red light, I could have used it as a nifty traffic light, but hanging it now makes the green go top-side and the red taking last place. Definately something that can be improved, IMHO.

All in all, Prowl is a decent piece to get save for the grossly misplaced (unneccessary) traffic light.

Transformers Animated Blitzwing

Got Blitzwing on Sunday thanks to a MO by the ppl at SGCOLLECT. Was not originally planning to get it though, was kind of tempted when I went down to collect the remaining 2 WST Dinobots. On the whole, it feels quite sturdy, after all, it was designed for kids aged 9-11 in mind. Though something that irks me to no extent is the softness of the plastic that was used for the helmet. The entire head is one big mess, soft plastic helmet, changing 3x faces gimmick with a non-responsive click wheel (the whole head just turns with it when I turn it), plus I managed to 'enlarge' the hole (not on purpose, mind you) when I used my fingernail to turn the click wheel.

Articulation wise, most of the major joints are articulated; neck, shoulder, elbow, thigh, knee, ankle joints are accounted for. the wrists are also articulated, but they can only go in 1 direction.

True to his G1 self, this Blitzwing is also a triple changer, with homages paid to his tank and plane mode. As you can see, the difference between the 2 modes is rather trivial and just simply involves moving parts around. Plane mode is rather stubby and looks like a SD version... The tank mode fares better in this aspect IMHO as the compact look makes it look rather futuristic, besides, which plane has caterpillar tracks for landing gear?

Accessory wise, all Blitzwing comes with is 2 orange projectiles. They're shaped to look like either jet flames in plane mode or the tank cannons firing. To be honest, it looks better when placed in the launchers in tank mode than in plane mode.

Have done another additional review of Blitzwing at Toydem, review can be found here.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Haul of the day

Here's what I got today...

Finally the WST dinobots are completed. Last 2 took more than a year to arrive though...
Was not intending to get the animated Blitzwing in the first place, but since Grimlock was delayed, why not? Problem is, I can't seem to get him into his tank mode... plane & robot was pretty straight forward.
Ninja Gaiden II & Trusty Bell: Eternal Sonata rounded up the day's purchases.
Challenger @ Funan has this 2 for $99.90 promotion for selected titles, going on together with another promotion of 50% off on selected titles (IIRC, didn't really take notice of the latter promotion since those titles were pretty crap IMHO)
The 2 for $99.90 had titles like Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Circle of Doom(?), NBA 2k8, a baseball game, Forza 2, Trusty Bell and PGR4, if I remember correctly...
Not much of a choice though, since nowadays I don't play racing games and I have Halo 3 & Lost Odyssey already...
Heck, why don't they sell the NFL games here? kind of hooked on it due to ES21...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Some trial shots

Was trying out some lighting conditions here...
Light source was positioned directly below the objects.
From the view finder, the picture looked absolutely great, something akin to a holographic image, but on the lcd screen, it looked... well, u can see the results here
Might be either my camera (an ancient Dimage X50) or my photography skills or, a combination of the 2.

Here we have the Masterchief, first photo was taken with the light source placed directly behing the figure, and as for the second, placed under it.

Here we have the Classics TFs, Ramjet & Grimlock. Used a ML stand to prop up Ramjet, it's barely visible, but it's there if you look hard enough. Like the particular effect I got in that picture.

And here we have the S.I.C Blade series, Blade Jack Form, Garren & Chalice. From a certain angle, the eyes kind of "glow" but it didn't translate from life to shot here, despite finding the perfect angle to take it using the view finder.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Real bad day

today was one of those days where nothing ever seems to go right...
messed up on an MO for TF Animated stuff, sending the money to the wrong acct no. under a different MO, crap day at work, bloody nose having an open tap for the most of the day, etc etc...
hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, it'd better be.... i hope...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Evolution of the DIY lightbox

Recently spent $65 to custom make an open box and L-shaped piece with both being made of thick opaque white acrylic.
Now all that is left is the addition of 2 more light sources and I'm done.
The fixture of the light sources will definately be a problem to think through carefully.
When it's all done, I'll have light coming in from the sides, the back and from the bottom.
Still considering as to whether to get an adjustable clamp for a front light source and getting different types of lights for different effects (for e.g. warm , daylight, led(?), etc etc).
Now to start looking out for different types of backdrops and props to use, not limited to the various cloths, paper types, platforms, various clamps and the like.
A tall list of things to get done, but it'll be, eventually, I hope.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Spartan & His Dog

Noticed that my Sword Wolf Zoid was of a favourable size in relation to the EVA Spartan figure. To my surprise, it actually fit pretty well to the point that if placed on top of the zoid, it looked like someone on a "horse" (well, not quite a horse, more like an oversized dog. But you get the drift right?) Plus the colours matched pretty well too, the red is more or less in the same shade.

Somehow, I feel kind of inspired to try and attempt to do a Warthog custom vehicle in scale to the figures, complete with either the gun turret or the gauss turret.

Nothing beats a little green to brighten up the place