Light source was positioned directly below the objects.
From the view finder, the picture looked absolutely great, something akin to a holographic image, but on the lcd screen, it looked... well, u can see the results here
Might be either my camera (an ancient Dimage X50) or my photography skills or, a combination of the 2.
Here we have the Masterchief, first photo was taken with the light source placed directly behing the figure, and as for the second, placed under it.
Here we have the Classics TFs, Ramjet & Grimlock. Used a ML stand to prop up Ramjet, it's barely visible, but it's there if you look hard enough. Like the particular effect I got in that picture.
And here we have the S.I.C Blade series, Blade Jack Form, Garren & Chalice. From a certain angle, the eyes kind of "glow" but it didn't translate from life to shot here, despite finding the perfect angle to take it using the view finder.
are you buying toys, I have a lot whan i was a child, maybe you could be interested, i think, let me know if you want to check em
Thanks for the head's up, but I kind of prefer getting my toys in their original packaging rather than in loose condition.
hey maybe you could try lowering the ISO on your digicam to reduce the noise and sharpen your pictures? Try it and post the results if possible. The SIC KR pics are nice. Cheers!
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