Got Blitzwing on Sunday thanks to a MO by the ppl at SGCOLLECT. Was not originally planning to get it though, was kind of tempted when I went down to collect the remaining 2 WST Dinobots. On the whole, it feels quite sturdy, after all, it was designed for kids aged 9-11 in mind. Though something that irks me to no extent is the softness of the plastic that was used for the helmet. The entire head is one big mess, soft plastic helmet, changing 3x faces gimmick with a non-responsive click wheel (the whole head just turns with it when I turn it), plus I managed to 'enlarge' the hole (not on purpose, mind you) when I used my fingernail to turn the click wheel.
Articulation wise, most of the major joints are articulated; neck, shoulder, elbow, thigh, knee, ankle joints are accounted for. the wrists are also articulated, but they can only go in 1 direction.

True to his G1 self, this Blitzwing is also a triple changer, with homages paid to his tank and plane mode. As you can see, the difference between the 2 modes is rather trivial and just simply involves moving parts around. Plane mode is rather stubby and looks like a SD version... The tank mode fares better in this aspect IMHO as the compact look makes it look rather futuristic, besides, which plane has caterpillar tracks for landing gear?

Accessory wise, all Blitzwing comes with is 2 orange projectiles. They're shaped to look like either jet flames in plane mode or the tank cannons firing. To be honest, it looks better when placed in the launchers in tank mode than in plane mode.
Have done another additional review of Blitzwing at Toydem, review can be found here.
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