Tuesday, September 16, 2008


School's halfway through the term...

Been studying for all those mid-term tests and working on those assignments. Haven't had the luxury of playing around with my collection for quite a while now.

Will probably take them out for cleaning during the weekend, I guess. A dusty collection is not a happy collection, though I still will probably dust them individually as I take them out for photoshoots to star in their Toydem reviews.

Still have that TFA Starscream review left and to take Supreme Class Roll-Out Brickamus Prime for a photoshoot. Brickamus Roll-Out Prime is huge... about the same scale of an Armada Unicron. Just thinking about how to do the photoshoot is giving me a headache. But it'll be done, later rather than sooner.

Enough with the nonsensical rambling already, I got to get back to studying...

But before I leave, here's a little something I took sometime back.

An ominous feeling

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Nothing beats a little green to brighten up the place